Group spokesperson “Assembly” (m/​f/​d)

Do an attrac­tive appear­ance and a sound tech­no­log­i­cal basis make the oper­a­tion of machines and devices bet­ter? We at EP Electronic Print say YES and work every day to imple­ment this in our HMIs (Human Machine Interfaces or oper­at­ing devices). We pro­vide our cus­tomers from indus­try, med­i­cine and many other sec­tors with every­thing from clas­sic mem­brane key­pads and touch­screens to mul­ti­modal HMIs from a sin­gle source — Made in Germany.

We are look­ing for a:

Group spokesperson “Assembly” (m/​f/​d)

Your tasks:

Leading and man­ag­ing an effec­tive team (assem­bly pro­duc­tion group)
You improve and fur­ther develop exist­ing processes
You accom­pany new prod­ucts and prod­uct changes through the entire pro­duc­tion process
You man­u­fac­ture and assem­ble com­plete input sys­tems (elec­tri­cal assem­bly, sim­i­lar to device construction)
You man­u­fac­ture and install mem­brane key­pads (sim­i­lar to apply­ing foils)
You carry out qual­ity checks dur­ing series production

Your qual­i­fi­ca­tion:

You have com­pleted voca­tional train­ing in a tech­ni­cal field
You already have sev­eral years of pro­fes­sional expe­ri­ence in the field of assem­bly (prefer­ably in elec­tri­cal assem­bly or han­dling vis­i­ble parts)
You value qual­ity and a care­ful, struc­tured way of working
You have a good com­mand of writ­ten and spo­ken German
Knowledge of elec­tron­ics is an advan­tage, but not a prerequisite

We offer:

An indi­vid­ual and well-​founded induction
Regular com­pany events and a pleas­ant work­ing atmosphere
Payment of capital-​forming benefits
Long-​term per­spec­tive in a grow­ing company
Dynamic work­ing envi­ron­ment and flat hierarchies

Download job adver­tise­ment as PDF:

We look for­ward to receiv­ing your appli­ca­tion doc­u­ments in PDF for­mat includ­ing your salary expec­ta­tions and your ear­li­est pos­si­ble start­ing date at:

If you have any ques­tions, please con­tact Christine Fetzer on (08142)420896–52