10.1″ built-​in web panel — WE-PRO10


10.1" Built-in panel: e.g. mounting in switch cabinet Operating system: Linux Browser: HTML 5-capable, Chromium Engine Protection class: IP65 front, IP20 rear

Delivery time MOQ
Sample 2 weeks 1
Series Depending on quantity 1


Our 10.1″ built-​in web panel WE-​PRO10 with a projective-​capacitive multi-​touch screen, IP65 pro­tec­tion class on the front and an HTML5-​capable browser is per­fect for indus­trial appli­ca­tions. Using the Chromium Engine Kiosk browser and the Linux oper­at­ing sys­tem, the machine man­u­fac­turer can eas­ily set which IP address or which web­site can be accessed. Only the spec­i­fied web­site is dis­played, no “surf­ing” is pos­si­ble. The browser also has an access restric­tion or is password-​protected. The web panel is equipped with a Quad Core Cortex-​A17 proces­sor with 1.8 GHz and has a gen­er­ous work­ing mem­ory of 2 GB. The touch­screen has 2 pre­set touch points. It can also be oper­ated with dif­fer­ent types of gloves, e.g. cot­ton gloves or latex gloves. The touch­screen also rec­og­nizes liq­uids such as water or dis­in­fec­tants. Due to the 2 mm thick cover glass and the alu­minum hous­ing, the web panel is rel­a­tively light, approx. 1.62 kg. The WE-​PRO10 built-​in web panel has 5 con­nec­tions: 2 x USB con­nec­tion, 1 x HDMI, 1 x RJ45. In addi­tion to the pow­der coat­ing, the alu­minum hous­ing also has bolts on the back for easy instal­la­tion or removal. The prod­uct pre­sented here is the stan­dard ver­sion. Customer-​specific adap­ta­tions are pos­si­ble at any time on request. If you would like to find out more or have any ques­tions, please feel free to con­tact us at projekte@ep-electronicprint.de.

Additional information


Multi touchscreen



Computing power

Web panel/visualization


with glass

Aspect ratio




Actuation type

Touch screen

Protection class


Connection type

Ethernet RJ45; USB

Power consumption

max. 18 watts (24V)


HTML5 capable

Operating system


Working memory

DDR3 with 2 GB

Touch points

preset 2, optionally up to 10