Integration of glass (with or without touchscreen) in housings and carrier plates



Gap grout­ing

Integration of glass

Once the right glass and the right touch­screen have been selected, the next ques­tion is how to inte­grate them into the hous­ing. One of our core com­pe­ten­cies is the inte­gra­tion of cover glass or lam­i­nated sys­tems, e.g. display/​touch/​cover glass, into a car­rier plate or hous­ing. Thanks to our expe­ri­ence and many customer-​specific projects, we offer inte­gra­tion, also known as “gap-​filling”, as stan­dard for car­rier plates/​housings made of metal or plas­tic. Our fin­ished prod­ucts all meet at least pro­tec­tion class IP65. Some of our more recent design stud­ies are already avail­able with pro­tec­tion classes IP67 and IP68. In addi­tion to the pro­tec­tion classes, the fin­ished arti­cle is also suit­able for GMP envi­ron­ments.

We basi­cally offer you two options for “gap filling”:

  • Gluing only (liq­uid or with adhe­sive tape).
    This method has the dis­ad­van­tage of cre­at­ing a gap between the hous­ing and the glass
  • Fully closed sur­face.
    In this process, the gaps/​dirt edges are sealed by a vis­i­ble joint.

We there­fore also offer a vari­ety of joint widths for the fully closed design. In addi­tion to the width, the joints can also have dif­fer­ent col­ors. Sealing is par­tic­u­larly easy in the stan­dard col­ors: black, grey and white. Our sealant is free from sol­vents, iso­cyanate, sil­i­cone and PVC and is char­ac­ter­ized by good UV resis­tance.

Integration of glass
Integration of glass
Integration of glass
Integration of glass

If you would like us to check whether your project is suit­able, please con­tact us. If you do not yet have a touch or hous­ing, we can also take care of this and make you a com­plete offer.