We are moving!




EP Logo

After a long time at our old loca­tion, the time has come to say good­bye and cel­e­brate a new begin­ning. We are mov­ing and leav­ing our pre­vi­ous home to start a new chap­ter in our com­pany his­tory. The address may be chang­ing, but our pas­sion and com­mit­ment remain the same. Our new home is here:
Office and postal address: EP Electronic Print GmbH, Am Weidegrund 8 in 82194 Gröbenzell, phone: 08142/420896–0 (the exten­sions you know remain unchanged).
Delivery address: EP Electronic Print GmbH, Am Weidegrund 10 in 82194 Gröbenzell.
In addi­tion to the new address, we also have a new logo. Take a quick look at it! 

We will not be avail­able by tele­phone or e‑mail in cal­en­dar week 48. However, we will be avail­able again as usual from cal­en­dar week 49. For urgent mat­ters in cal­en­dar week 48, you can con­tact us in advance by e‑mail and we will endeavor to reply as quickly as pos­si­ble. Thank you for your understanding. 

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