B2Run Munich 2023: We were there!




B2Run - View from above

On July 11, 2023, the time had finally come: our team stood at the start­ing line of the B2Run in Munich full of antic­i­pa­tion. Each of us was ready to give our best and take on the chal­lenge. The B2Run was not just a race, but also an oppor­tu­nity to strengthen our team dynamic. We encour­aged each other, sup­ported each other and cel­e­brated our suc­cess together. It was inspir­ing to see how we sur­passed our­selves as a team and over­came our per­sonal lim­its. And then, after a chal­leng­ing route full of sweat and effort, the time had come: we reached the longed-​for fin­ish line. You could see the relief and pride on our faces. The B2Run in Munich 2023 will undoubt­edly live on in our mem­o­ries as a mean­ing­ful and ful­fill­ing event. 

B2Run 2024 here we come!

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