What material thicknesses can you mill?




Carrier plate

At EP, we pride our­selves on offer­ing our cus­tomers tailor-​made solu­tions for their indi­vid­ual require­ments. As well as devel­op­ing mem­brane key­pads and touch sys­tems, we have another ace up our sleeve that many of our cus­tomers did­n’t know about — our state-​of-​the-​art milling tech­nol­ogy.

In the world of pro­duc­tion tech­nol­ogy, pre­ci­sion and ver­sa­til­ity in the pro­cess­ing of car­rier plates is of cru­cial impor­tance. With the intro­duc­tion of our new high-​performance milling machine, we have reached a mile­stone in this respect. Whether it’s raw milled parts that require fur­ther pro­cess­ing or fully fin­ished car­rier plates, we have the skills and expe­ri­ence to meet your require­ments. In addi­tion to engrav­ing logos or drilling threads, for exam­ple, the machine also enables the milling of alu­minum for com­plete hous­ings in small or medium quan­ti­ties, in a thick­ness of 35 mm and more. This makes com­plex assem­blies or con­struc­tions much easier. 

From raw milled parts to complete finishing and assembly

We have briefly sum­ma­rized the most impor­tant per­for­mance fea­tures of an HMI or touch panel in med­ical technology:

  • Engraving logos (Fig. 1);
    give your prod­uct that “cer­tain something”
  • Curves and han­dles per­fectly and pre­cisely exe­cuted (Fig. 2)
  • Grinding, debur­ring and press­ing in bolts is a mat­ter of course for us
  • Glass bead blast­ing, pow­der coat­ing and anodiz­ing are also no problem
  • Milling of cool­ing fins for input sys­tems with com­puter unit (Fig. 3)
  • Mounting holes for cou­plings e.g. VESA 100 (Fig. 3) and cable glands of any type
  • Ventilation holes and var­i­ous drill holes (Fig4)
  • Ventilation cracks finely and pre­cisely exe­cuted (Fig5)
  • Unmachined raw milled parts accord­ing to your require­ments (Fig. 6)
Fig1: Engraving
Fig2: Rounding
Cooling fins
Fig3: Cooling fins
Ventilation holes
Fig4: Ventilation holes
Ventilation cracks
Fig5: Ventilation cracks
Raw milled part
Fig6: Raw milled part

If you are look­ing for cus­tomized input sys­tems for mechan­i­cal engi­neer­ing, med­ical tech­nol­ogy or sim­i­lar indus­tries, please do not hes­i­tate to con­tact us. We are happy to pro­vide you with pro­fes­sional exper­tise and com­pre­hen­sive ser­vices and will be happy to advise you.