10.1″ Web panel as built-​in device — WE-PRO10



Web Panel

Installation Web Panel

The 10.1″ web panel with a projective-​capacitive multi-​touch screen, IP65 pro­tec­tion class on the front and an HTML5-​capable browser is per­fect for indus­trial appli­ca­tions. Using the kiosk browser with restricted access and the Linux oper­at­ing sys­tem, the sys­tem provider can deter­mine which IP address or web­site the user can access. Only the spec­i­fied web­site is dis­played, “surf­ing” is not pos­si­ble. As the browser is pro­tected by an access restric­tion, changes can only be made with a pass­word. The web panel is equipped with a Quad Core Cortex proces­sor with 1.8 GHz and has a gen­er­ous work­ing mem­ory of 2 GB.
The touch­screen has 2 pre­set touch points, but up to 10 touch points can also be option­ally set via the EETI con­troller. It can also be oper­ated with dif­fer­ent types of gloves, e.g. cot­ton gloves or latex gloves. The touch­screen also detects liq­uids such as oil, water or disinfectants. 

However, the pos­si­ble appli­ca­tions are not lim­ited to touch­screens, capac­i­tive but­tons or other sen­sors. Other pos­si­ble appli­ca­tions include trans­par­ent cir­cuits for LEDs, trans­par­ent heaters or trans­par­ent antennas/​shields.

Due to the 2mm thick cover glass and the alu­minum hous­ing, the web panel is rel­a­tively light, approx. 1.62kg, but in com­par­i­son still heav­ier than other web pan­els. The “sta­ble and high-​quality” web panel has 5 con­nec­tions: 2xUSB, 1xHDMI, 1xRJ45 — Ethernet and a socket for the power input. Thanks to its “ele­gant appear­ance”, it is suit­able or designed as a built-​in device for con­trol cab­i­nets or con­soles and can also be very eas­ily attached using the inte­grated bolts on the back. 

The features of the 10.1″ web panel

The most impor­tant fea­tures of the 10.1″ built-​in web panel are briefly sum­ma­rized here:

  • HTML5-​capable browser
  • Closed sur­face
  • Resistant to clean­ing agents, dis­in­fec­tants and oil
  • Water detec­tion
  • Protection against liquids
  • Electromagnetic com­pat­i­bil­ity accord­ing to indus­try stan­dards — EMC
  • Usability with gloves
  • Mechanical resis­tance of the surfaces
Installation Web Panel
Installation Web Panel
Installation Web Panel

We would be happy to check whether our built-​in web panel is suit­able for your needs. If you have any ques­tions about prices, deliv­ery dates or need indi­vid­ual advice, please do not hes­i­tate to con­tact us. 

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