
Shatter protection film for your multitouch




Splinter protection film

Are you at risk of sur­face con­t­a­m­i­na­tion or injury due to glass break­age? Do you need increased resis­tance for your closed sur­faces? Then we would like to intro­duce our shat­ter pro­tec­tion film as a pos­si­ble solu­tion. The appeal­ing deep look of printed glass with a multi-​touch sen­sor is retained despite OCA and the shat­ter pro­tec­tion film. Anti-​shatter films sta­bi­lize the glass sur­faces and pro­tect against fly­ing shards in the event of break­age. Even if the glass shat­ters, it is held together by the film. As glass splin­ters are prac­ti­cally unde­tectable in the pro­duc­tion process, the risk of injury after glass break­age (com­plete or only at the cor­ner) is also very high. The film used is a high-​quality hard-​coated poly­ester film (PET), con­sist­ing of a base poly­ester and an emboss­able, chem­i­cally bonded and UV-​hardened sur­face coat­ing, which also enables greater resistance. 

The most important features of the splinter protection film briefly summarized

  • Polyester film is tougher and more durable than poly­car­bon­ate and PVC films
  • Particularly suit­able for food, phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals and med­ical technology
  • The shat­ter pro­tec­tion film can be applied to all types of glass
  • In addi­tion to trap­ping pieces of glass, the mechan­i­cal strength of the glass is also increased so that glass break­age does not occur in the first place
  • Integration of but­tons — whether capac­i­tive or mechan­i­cal possible
  • Surface anti-​reflective coat­ing: gloss (glossy; Fig. 1) or antiglare (anti-​reflective; Fig. 2)
  • High trans­parency: almost unrecognizable
  • Resistant to many com­mon indus­trial sol­vents and house­hold chemicals
  • Is applied to glass using OCA (opti­cal clear adhesive)
  • Very easy to clean (list of chem­i­cal resis­tance avail­able on request)
  • High abra­sion resistance.
Splinter protection film-EBG-130
Fig1: gloss
Splinter protection film-EBA-130
Fig2: antiglare

Here are a few videos of the tests car­ried out on dis­play units with shat­ter pro­tec­tion film (it was fun 🙂 )

If you like what you have seen and you have a prod­uct that you would like to pro­tect with our shat­ter pro­tec­tion film, please do not hes­i­tate to con­tact us. You can also find out more about shat­ter pro­tec­tion film here.

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