Multi-​touch display panel 15.6″ E‑PRO



Multi-​touch panel

E-PRO 15.6z

The E‑PRO multi-​touch dis­play panel with a 15.6″ diag­o­nal serves as an oper­at­ing and dis­play panel (HMI: Human Machine Interface) for devices and sys­tems. It can be oper­ated not only via the touch­screen, but also via the capac­i­tive but­tons. Pressing the but­tons can be com­bined with visual feed­back (but­ton color changes).
The dis­play panel is the result of a coop­er­a­tion project with Rolec and is also at home in Rolec’s pro­fes­sional panel. In addi­tion to multi-​touch, the panel offers up to five indi­vid­u­ally and alter­nately illu­mi­nated capac­i­tive but­tons. These can also be indi­vid­u­ally labeled using slide-​in strips. Thanks to the IP 65 clas­si­fi­ca­tion, the touch panel works in almost all envi­ron­men­tal con­di­tions and can be oper­ated with gloves. Even water on the pane can­not harm the touch screen or the but­tons. With a hous­ing depth of just 60 mm, Multitouch Panel can be mounted almost anywhere. 

The features of the 15.6″ E‑PRO multi-​touch panel

The most impor­tant fea­tures are briefly sum­ma­rized here:

  • Closed sur­face (IP65)
  • Long-​life indus­trial dis­play (approx. 50,000h)
  • Key illu­mi­na­tion and sym­bol selec­tion possible
  • Resistant to clean­ing agents and oil
  • Electromagnetic com­pat­i­bil­ity — EMC
  • Impact resis­tance
  • Protection against var­i­ous liquids
  • Operability with dif­fer­ent gloves
Multitouch panel
Multitouch panel
Multitouch panel

In addi­tion to the stan­dard 15.6″ multi-​touch panel, we also offer cus­tomized ver­sions. For exam­ple, you can select mechan­i­cal but­tons instead of capac­i­tive ones, add an RFID sym­bol or change the but­ton col­ors. If you have any ques­tions about the stan­dard prod­uct “15.6” Multitouch Display Panel E‑PRO” or a customer-​specific vari­ant, please con­tact directly. We will be happy to advise you. 

Automation technology - operability with gloves
Usability with gloves
Automation technology - Protection against liquids
Protection against liq­uids thanks to pro­tec­tion class IP65
Medical technology - Resistance to cleaning agents
Resistance to dis­in­fec­tants and clean­ing agents
Automation technology - Impact resistance
Impact resis­tance

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