HMI design study based on carbon nanotube hybrids



Carbon nano tubes

Today we would like to present our new HMI design study with a 2×2‑field touch­screen, capac­i­tive but­tons and ambi­ent light based on car­bon nan­otube. This mate­r­ial is highly con­duc­tive and trans­par­ent, but can be processed using screen print­ing and can there­fore be adapted very flex­i­bly to the over­all design or con­cept of the user interface. 

The clas­sic touch­screen solu­tion requires a multi-​touch sen­sor with con­troller(board), as well as a sep­a­rate PCB with capac­i­tive but­tons and LEDs for the but­ton illu­mi­na­tion. In con­trast, our design study only requires a CNT hybrid film and a cir­cuit board with LEDs which also houses the eval­u­a­tion elec­tron­ics for the touch ele­ments. The sim­ple design and the result­ing low hard­ware require­ments com­bined with flex­i­ble, local pro­duc­tion there­fore rep­re­sent a cost-​efficient and eas­ily scal­able alternative. 

However, the pos­si­ble appli­ca­tions are not lim­ited to touch­screens, capac­i­tive but­tons or other sen­sors. Other pos­si­ble appli­ca­tions include trans­par­ent cir­cuits for LEDs, trans­par­ent heaters or trans­par­ent antennas/​shields.

Carbon nanotubes

A few words about the tech­nol­ogy: Carbon nan­otubes (CNTs or car­bon nan­otubes) are indi­vid­ual tubes made of car­bon in the form of graphene, have a diam­e­ter of just 1 nanome­ter, but are very strong and envi­ron­men­tally sta­ble. The sin­gle or multi-​walled tubes (sin­gle wall or few wall with two or more con­cen­tric walls) can be semi-​conductive to fully con­duc­tive, depend­ing on the design. Carbon nan­otubes are pro­duced using a reac­tive process in which a cat­a­lyst causes the CNTs to grow under the influ­ence of pres­sure and tem­per­a­ture. The qual­ity, purity and quan­tity of the result­ing CNTs depend very much on the cat­a­lyst used. After many years of research and devel­op­ment, a process has been patented that achieves the desired chi­ral­ity, con­fig­u­ra­tion and purity even in mass pro­duc­tion. The National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) even uses these car­bon nan­otubes as its ref­er­ence standard. 

SW and FW

You can find out more details about car­bon nan­otubes and var­i­ous con­fig­u­ra­tion options at Customized touch­screens, or con­tact us directly. We will be happy to answer your ques­tions and offer you a solution. 

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