BKTWE: Illuminated capacitive buttons with interchangeable slide-​in strips




Capacitive but­tons behind glass have been around for some time. Illuminated capac­i­tive keys have also been avail­able for some time (but not quite as triv­ial with uni­form illu­mi­na­tion). Illuminated capac­i­tive keys with replace­able slide-​in strips, on the other hand, are a real innovation! 

Illuminated capacitive buttons

For devices, machines and sys­tems where the but­ton assign­ment takes place rel­a­tively late, it has been quite dif­fi­cult to indi­vid­u­al­ize the let­ter­ing on HMIs with a glass sur­face. This is due to the fact that glass print­ing is one of the first process steps and indi­vid­u­al­iz­ing the print­ing using screen print­ing does not appear to make eco­nomic sense. For this rea­son, we have trans­ferred a solu­tion from the world of HMIs with foil sur­faces to the glass era: the self-​printed, exchange­able slide-​in strip. In extreme cases, the but­tons can only be printed when the machine is put into oper­a­tion — using a stan­dard trans­par­ent film on a stan­dard laser printer. 

This is made pos­si­ble by the new car­bon nan­otube tech­nol­ogy. This allows trans­par­ent con­duc­tive lay­ers to be pro­duced using con­ven­tional screen print­ing and thus opti­mized to the exist­ing geom­e­try, even for small to medium quantities. 

We would be happy to check whether your project is suit­able for this. If you have any ques­tions or need indi­vid­ual advice, please do not hes­i­tate to con­tact us. We will do our best to find the best solu­tion for your project. 

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